A place to seek and savor the beauty of God

Friday, March 25, 2011

Spiritual Armor All

I was standing next to a filthy sink yesterday, in a green jumpsuit and steel-toed boots. In front of me was a paint-covered shopping cart filled with chemicals which I was to open and dump down the filthy sink as quickly as possible. Sound strange? For me it's just another day working at the Eco-Site.

People bring in funny things to us sometimes. For example, in this particular cart, those chemicals deemed by the public to be "hazardous" included 24-hour oral rinse, shampoo, pet lice shampoo, and hand lotion. The horror!!!

I reached into the cart for the next bottle and glanced over I had just grabbed. The label caught my attention.

Protects and Beautifies

I've worked with Armor All before.. it's meant to polish leather car seats and other things, but at that moment I thought instead of the Holy Spirit.

I know. You can laugh; I did when I saw that on my computer screen.

But truly, the Holy Spirit in us acts as a Protecter, Comforter, and Guide in our lives as we follow Christ (John 14:26). He gives us gifts to edify the body and ourselves (1 Cor 12). And yes, indeed, He does beautify us. He renews us (Titus 3:5)! He works in our lives to sanctify us and make us more like Jesus. God is the most gloriously beautiful Being in existence because of His absolute holiness, so having the Holy Spirit teach and mold us gives us a taste of His beauty in this life. Can you believe that we'll actually get to experience His full beauty and holiness for all eternity? I mean, can you BELIEVE that?

It boggles the mind. God promises us His presence in this life, and that's what He's given us - so thank Him for your Spiritual Armor-All.

-Grace Marita

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