A place to seek and savor the beauty of God

Friday, June 17, 2011

Do You See It?

"Do you see it, honey? Do you see the rainbow?"

It had been pouring rain for the last half hour or so. When that happens, people tend to stay away from the Recycling Zone. The idea of standing in the rain unloading pesticides and computers from your car doesn't sit well with most customers, and today was no different.

Finally there was a break in the clouds, and bright sunbeams came in through the windows. I stepped outside in my uniform and leaned against a post to get some fresh air. That's when I saw it - a beautiful vibrant display of the promise of God spread across the eastern sky. I smiled, remembering the words of YHWH from Genesis.

I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth... and I will look on it to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature of all flesh that is on the earth. - 9:13, 16

A few hundred feet away, a man was unloading chemicals from his car while his daughter stood by the car. I watched as he stopped suddenly, knelt next to his little girl and pointed towards the sky, saying, "Do you see it, honey? Do you see the rainbow?" 

This father took time to show his daughter the beauty of the world God created; otherwise she might have missed it. It made me smile and thank God in that moment. Our heavenly Father does that too; when we are too worried or distracted to see the beauty in everyday life, He'll kneel beside us and whisper, Do you see it, honey? Do you see the rainbow?

Pray that God will open your eyes to His wonders. And this Father's Day weekend, I pray that you'll thank our Heavenly Father for your earthly one.

How have you seen the rainbow this week?

- Grace Marita

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