As I write this, there are many things in my life right now that display the beauty of God. My brand-new baby niece, who (praise God) is growing up thirty feet from this blogging couch. She is a medical miracle, and a gift from the Lord of life. The ominous storms we've heard the last two days have finally blown over, revealing brilliant blue sky and streaks of sunlight coming in through the window. I listened to a sermon at church this morning on John 9, God's inescapable glory displayed in disability. And I have a family who loves me, and whom I love. Beauty.
One of my purposes in writing this blog is to seek to minister to others, women especially but men as well, who struggle with the concept of physical beauty as I have (and still do). In order to do this, I've created a Heart of God booklist that I'll add to weekly. Each book on this list was chosen prayerfully. The authors may write from different angles and time periods, but all of them address beauty, God's and ours. I pray that each book might serve to open your eyes to the exceptional beauty of our Creator and the beauty with which He sculpted you.
**Note: I'd be remiss not to say that the Bible should be the first place we go for insights into beauty. This list should really start with number 2.... Thus, it will :) **
2. Captivating, by John and Stasi Eldredge.
3. Redeeming Love, by Francine Rivers.
4. God's Passion For His Glory, by Jonathan Edwards. (This link is to a book/commentary on this essay written by Dr. John Piper, but you see the Edwards text as well. It's meaty. It's wonderful.)
The books that will be put on this list are books that I have read and can wholeheartedly recommend to you. I will not put any resources on this blog that I don't support myself either theologically or stylistically.
Enjoy. Drink deep. Worship.
~Grace Marita
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