A place to seek and savor the beauty of God

Saturday, March 5, 2011

She held my face in her hands, gently but firmly. With the tenderness of a mother but the determination of a sister, she spoke truth to me. "Don't be afraid. You can trust Him. You can trust Him." The tears on her cheeks in no way diminished her message.

I was part of a group that traveled down to the National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Nashville this year, with the purpose of networking, conducting interviews, and going to seminars. I knew it would be a chance to meet and learn from people professionally; God surprised me with a shower of spiritual blessings as well.

The morning our team left for Nashville we needed to meet at our pickup location at nine am sharp. I (as with many mornings) left the house a tad later than I planned. With a new layer of snow on the ground from the night before and a high level of stress at packing/airport/travel, I drove a tad faster than I should have. I fishtailed on the slippery roads and almost rear-ended another car, but God in His providence protected us both. I drove very carefully after that.  Thank You, Lord.

I normally get stressed and frantic when I have to fly.. it has something to do with the whole security screening I guess.. but even more so now. Maybe this is only an issue for women, but I'll just lay it on the line. I am not comfortable with the thought of stepping into a booth and having some stranger scan my body for dangerous objects. I'm even more adamant about being patted down. My body belongs to me and to my husband; I want to save it for him. I don't want to put myself in a position to be touched in that way; quite frankly, that small procedure was giving me more anxiety than the flight itself.

So after getting thoroughly worked up about going through security, our group was able to pass through the checkpoints minus a body scanner OR a patdown. WOW. Thank You, Lord.

My first interview in Nashville was with an energetic young man with a passion for reaching lost teens on the Internet. (I say young because he's within five years of me... I felt quite young the whole weekend:)) After spending much time talking and getting to know each other, my new friend and brother in Christ asked if he could pray for me (how wonderful it is to have another Christian pray over you!). I ran into him several times that weekend and each time his energy and passion for Christ encouraged me beyond words. Thank You, Lord.

Sunday morning I heard a strong, convicting message by James MacDonald and was able, after much searching/staking out his booth, to shake his hand and thank him for his commitment to biblical teaching. I think I came off as a stammering six-year-old girl (my accomplice assures me I didn't), but when God uses a Bible teacher to grow you, your heart is to thank them earnestly. He was gracious - he called me Sweetie, which seemed strange in the moment but I am young enough to be his daughter/niece - and thanked me. Thank You Lord.

Sunday afternoon I had another interview with a well-known author, whose books have blessed me greatly. When she greeted me with a huge hug, I knew it would be another blessed interview. We found a quiet room and she promptly kicked off her heels when we sat down - a kindred spirit. I loved it :) We spoke at length about her book and then she asked me questions about myself and my passion. She asked if she could pray for me, and asked God to give me wisdom and direction and patience and courage.. when I lifted my head after the prayer she was weeping. She took my face in her hands and would not let go until I looked her in the eye and heard what she was saying.

"Don't be afraid, Grace. You can trust Him. You can trust Him."

***Insert another post here***

Thank You, Lord.

Monday I was standing in the pressroom area when another teacher walked by who has greatly influenced me - Dr. Ravi Zacharias. I was just talking on my cell phone, and here he comes, just strolling right past me. I was sort of in shock. God's used his ministry to equip millions of believers - myself included - in practicing apologetics. I had a press conference to attend, so with great regret I entered the room and didn't expect to see Ravi again. When the half-hour press conference was over, I exited the back doors and - in God's awesomeness - Ravi had been in the room next door the entire time. I took a deep breath, walked right up to him and introduced myself. I was super-nervous, but I had to thank him for what he was doing.

A friend of mine has said that he'd be really intimidated to ever meet Ravi in person, because he's so intellectual and can think on his feet better than most people. Another friend of mine has said "Ravi wouldn't ever have to physically take you on - he'd just rip you apart with his logic." :)

I'm happy to say, in person, Ravi is very kind, soft-spoken, and welcoming. Thank You, Lord.

That night I met with a potential future employer with a heart for reaching oppressed women believers worldwide. That meeting also ended with prayers and tears. Thank You, Lord.

All in all, a very eventful, amazing, insightful weekend in Nashville. One thing stood out above all else - we tend to put well-known Christians on a pedestal. I'm guilty of this many times. I was so excited to meet all of these Bible preachers and radio personalities in person, but I tend to have high expectations for them. I was able to meet two amazing godly teachers, but chances are they've forgotten who I am. GOD NEVER FORGETS. He asks, "Can a mother forget the baby at her breast ...? Though she may forget, I will not forget you! See, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands" (Is. 49:15-16).

He holds our face in His hands.. He will not forget us. We can trust Him; sometimes it takes another believer holding our face to remind us of that.

- Grace Marita


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